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The 2016 challenge

Le challenge 2016Each new year comes with its flood of good resolutions. For me, 2016 will start with a challenge: Challenge 2016. You can participate, but there will be only one winner. Hint: MENTORING.

Remember that Mentoring refers to a support interpersonal relationship, sharing aid and learning relationship, in which an experienced person, Mentor, gives his acquired wisdom and expertise in order to promote another person’s development, the mentee, who has skills or knowledge to be acquired and professional goals to reach. Let me explain how this will progress. But first, let’s talk about how I got there today.

As each one of you, I have had failures and successes, moments of doubt and certainty. I completed my studies at the university. Cell Biology and Physiology Master. After this degree, I was cornered … postgraduate diploma or Diploma of further studies DEA (High school degree +5 research)? Postgraduate diploma or DESS (High school degree +5 Pro)? For me it was a complete blur.

One day my physiology teacher tells me about the CRA job profession, because she was CRA at a time of her life.

It was then that starts an uphill battle! I did research on the internet about training, profession, wages, vacant positions, the way to finance this training. I did not know any one except my teacher in this profession. Forums are just starting out, I’m afraid but I start … if that does not work?

I send my application for the Inter-university diploma of CRA training (DUI FARC): they have failed me! The letter said: « You have no experience in the pharmaceutical industry ». Uh, actually, that’s just what I’m looking for!!! ???

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Then I sent my application to Sup Santé for private CRA training and pass the interview. I have to find funding: employment center? A loan?  Dad/mom? I manage by myself? I decide to manage by myself; at least I should not owe anything to anyone I got the job of Letter Carrier and leaflets distributor. I work all summer and bingo, I gathered the sum!

My difficulties are not over: I must find an internship. I start with SSC training in Oncology. This therapeutic area pleases me. However, I see myself moving, travelling through France. The CRA profession field quickly begins after my internship; I find a CRA and SSC post and for a specialized association in Oncology where I begin by a fixed-term contract, then a permanent contract.

Then my desire to work abroad and improve my English is stronger. This leads me to apply within an international CRO. After some time, I wanted something else … I want to work in pharmaceutical laboratory. I was recruited by another CRO that detaches me in a pharmaceutical laboratory.

In 2010, as CRA freelance, I create my company, Pharmaspecific: I wanted to choose my assignments, communicate directly with my clients and work on certain therapeutic particular areas. I collaborate with French or foreign CROs, private hospitals as well as pharmaceutical companies. I am the head of a company and manage a small team of CRA.

In 2016, I launched my new challenge; it will be also the first challenge of this blog. I will train one of you, a future CRA, to get a permanent contract in 1 year. Yes, we must put the bar very high: In one year.

It will be an internet user who wants to become CRA (by training or not). I’ll help on the various stages, from training choice, through internship research and then position. This free coaching will last 1 year. GOAL: permanent contract.

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This time, I will give more than simple articles on the blog, I will personally commit my time. This person will have all the cards in hand to succeed. There will be no question of boost. It will be a solidarity action.

To get the opportunity of this free coaching, you need to register via the form below.

The competition is only opened to in CRA training beginners or to those wishing to perform CRA training.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be Beginner or having a CRA training,
  • Have a facebook account,
  • Have a Linkedin account
  • Be Subscribed to the Blog, 
  • Leave in mainland France

Your participation will be done under 5 steps:

    1. Forms bellow: 

  • You have to fill all the forms fields and attach your resume. 

  2.  On Facebook:

a) You have to click « Like » on the Clinical Research Blog

b) You have to click « Like » on the Pharmaspecific page. 

  3.  On LinkedIn:

  • You have to click « Like » on the Pharmaspecific page.  

 4. On the blog

You have to be subscribed on the blog’s newsletter or directly on the blog. 

  5. Phone call

From January 6th I will  contact 3 finalists to evaluate their motivation 

The competition is opened until January 15th 2016, 11:59 p.m. The competition results will be given through an article on the blog during the 3rd week of January 2016.

the mentoring will start on January 2016 and will be carried out via Skype. It is planned to be 2 to 4 hours of Skype coaching per month. Two physical appointments per year in Paris may be considered depending on the geographical area and the availability of the future CRA.

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For information, your family name will never be publicly disclosed on the blog as part of this coaching. Articles may be written about it in order to report on the progress of coaching. It will be a commitment on your part and mine.

Here you go, it’s your ball, so run with it.

And let the best win 🙂

Erreur : Formulaire de contact non trouvé !

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See « Pharmaspecific Linkedin » and « Vanessa Montanari Linkedin » for more relevant news on clinical researches.

See us as well on Pharmaspecific Viadeo and Vanessa’s Viadeo{:}

Si tu as aimé cet article, je te remercie de « liker » ou de partager avec tes collègues et amis Attaché de Recherche Clinique :)

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