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Hello! This is Vanessa Montanari from the clinical research blog. Today I’m going to talk about something: How do you become a CRA when you have a foreign degree?

Well, you must either do a CRA training in your country. (that depends on whether you have this kind of training available), or you can apply for training abroad, particularly in France.

It is important to know that having a foreign diploma is not at all a hindrance to becoming a clinical research associate. You can have a degree as a pharmacist, biologist or doctor. These foreign certificates are perfectly acceptable to become a clinical research associate. There is no problem.

Now that you know that, all you have to do is find the right training and then you have to find an internship. So, either an internship in your country (if you want to work in your country) or an internship in France. So, there you go. For that I let you read the clinical research blog to see a little bit how the job is, how to do to be able to do this training.

I would like to add my experience as certified coach and that might provide with advising for people who want to become a CRA. If help is needed in the form of customized advice or coaching to carry on with your research, and/or to evolve. You can always contact me via the website and take an appointment. These appointments last from 30 minutes to an hour where we will be able to review your difficulties, make an action plan, and even help you reach your goals. So, you can contact me via this website.

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See you soon!  Bye.

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  • cachaza dit :

    Bonjour Vanessa
    j’aimerai savoir svp dans mon cas je suis médecin avec de diplomes hors d’union européenne je peut faire DIU FIEC et je peux travaille ?
    merci d’avance

  • Ben Arab dit :

    Je suis diplômée en Algérie, titulaire d’un diplôme de médecin spetialiste en ORL . Est ce que je peux avoir des débauchées intéressantes avec cette formation et comment s’y mettre . Merci d’avance

    • Vanessa Montanari dit :

      Bonjour, Oui c’est possible de trouver. Je vous laisse vous rendre sur notre chaine Youtube pour voir les vidéos en complément du blog : YouTube (Chaine du blog) : Chaine YouTube Blog de la recherche clinique

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