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You want to become an CRA and you want to know if you have to pay for CRA training (as expensive :)) to become an CRA. The answer is here…

Hi, this is Vanessa Montanari from the clinical research blog for a new video. I have a question: do I have to pay this much for CRA training?

Do I have to pay so much for CRA training?

You should know that CRAtraining can be done either at the university. So, where the coup or the university fees are not very high but then still. Then, if not, there are private training courses. Private training courses can cost between 2,000 and 4,000 euros. I get some messages from people who tell me if they have to pay that much for a training course. You have to know that no company will take you without CRA training. Why is that? Because they want someone who has already been trained before they arrive to work with them. Training is mandatory. Afterwards, do you have to pay as much for CRA training? I would say anyway, the price is that price. Unless you have the information paid for by the employment centre, you have no choice but to pay for this training. Of course, with the risk that it won’t work and that you won’t get caught. So, generally speaking, most people find a position, whether it be in the public or private sector, as a CRC or as an CRA. Most people find a CRA position.  There’s a small minority who don’t find a position. You could eventually be in a minority.

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So yes, you have to pay that. Afterwards, if the employment centre is unable to pay for this training, you will have to pay for it yourself if you think that this job is really the right one for you. So, in what way? Well, you’re going to have to put money aside and then work. When I wanted to do this training, I didn’t actually want my parents to be able to tell me that I’d done a training course that didn’t lead to anything. So I preferred to pay for it myself. I worked at the post office, I was an usher in circuses, I distributed leaflets and I saved money in the space of four or five months to be able to pay for this training on my own, since the employment centre did not want to pay me for it and I had no way of making my family pay for this training apart from a letter from my family. So, when you want to, you can. We must not wait for others. When you want something, you have to give yourself the means. So, give yourself the means if you think you have the ability. You have to ask yourself the pros and cons and be sure that it’s made for you, go for it. In any case, if it’s not for you, you’ll have to put in place strategies to get into the pharmaceutical industry or change and redirect yourself. Either way, you have to take a little bit of risk in life, otherwise you won’t get anywhere. Be brave and then make the right decisions, see you soon and goodbye!

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