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Hello! This is Vanessa Montanari from the clinical research blog.

Today I’m going to answer a question: « How do you fund your bow training? »

How do I finance my CRA training?

So, there are different ways to fund her CRA training. Of course, there is working and putting money aside to finance her training, which is what I did when I was an CRA about 15 years ago.

Then, the other solution is to have it funded by employment cluster. So there, all you have to do is go to the employment Help Centre, and depending on what has happened to you, they will either accept the training or not.

Then, you have another solution if you have been employed for some time and you may have accumulated what used to be called the DIF(That’s the right to use some time to professional training). So, the DIF are training hours that you may have accumulated and that you will be able to put in your training account on the state site and accumulate these hours with the current CPF professional training account that allows you to do training. Either ask your employer for authorization if the training takes place during working hours and otherwise if it is outside working hours you can do your training without asking your employer for authorization. So, you have these 3 solutions to be able to finance your CRA training.

I also wanted to tell you that I am currently a certified coach, and that I give advice for people who want to become an CRA. So, if you need personalized advice, you need coaching to help you in your research or to evolve, you can contact me via and make an appointment with me. These are appointments from 30 minutes to 1 hour where we will be able to review your difficulties, make an action plan and even help you reach your goals. So, you can contact me via this website.

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