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Big CRO or small CRO? Between the two, your heart is swinging, here’s a strategy for you!

Hi, this is Vanessa Montanari from the clinical research blog. Today I’m going to talk to you about big CROs and small CROs. Which ones to choose since, as you know, there are a number of possible employers.

There are large CROs, i.e. international CROs, very often American or English-speaking, and then there are also small CROs, or small or medium-sized CROs, which are often Franco-French. So, between the two, in the balance, I’m going to explain to you a little bit how to make your choice.

The advantage of the big CRO is that first of all you’ll have advantages in terms of salary, but you can also work on different types of pathologies. On the other hand, the problem with the big CRO is that you won’t often be able to evolve easily. In other words, you will have to wait about ten years to become a manager or almost ten years to become a project manager. It all depends on which CRO you work for. So that, if your objective is to evolve quickly enough it can be a problem.

The advantage of the small CRO is that it will allow you to work on different types of tasks, whether it’s monitoring, regulatory submissions or contracts, and you’ll be able to sell yourself more easily when you leave. So, after a few years in a small CRO, you’ll be able to sell yourself more easily. Especially if this CRO works internationally. So in my opinion, it all depends on what you want, but the best thing is to be a little bit strategic and to start in small structures, to make your weapons in this small structure and then if you want, you can enter a larger structure. That way you can sell yourself better.

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I hope this little piece of advice has helped you and I wish you good luck in your job search. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

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  • AQRAA dit :

    Je suis Hasan Aqraa diplomé en pharmacie du moyen orient. J’ai suivi une formation ARC à Mediaxe à Malakoff. J’ai postuler pour un poste au CHU mais le faites que mon diplôme est hors UE à bloquer la procédure. On m’a demander de demander la reconnaissance via le site
    qui prend 4 mois pour traité la demande !
    J’ai vu que vous êtes des spécialiste à la matière, est-ce que vous avez des connaissance par rapport au diplôme étrangers?
    Merci et cordialement,

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