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Hello! This is Vanessa Montanari from the clinical research blog.

Today I’m going to answer a new question. How can I be sure that CRA is the right job for me? So, actually, CRA is a job that requires travel.

How can I be sure the CRA profession is right for me?

So, if you don’t want to travel, that’s going to be a problem. It’s a job that requires you to have a good level of English. So, if you don’t have a good level of English or you don’t want to improve your English, you might have difficulty finding a job. So, this is important.

Also, the CRA profession, it’s a job where there are a lot of relationships. You will regularly have to tell people that they have actually made mistakes. So, you have to be able to tell them in a way that is not harsh, and that people can accept what you ask them and also accept remarks. So, you have to be convincing and have good social intelligence. So that’s a pretty important point. If you are a shy person who has difficulty approaching others, you may have difficulty doing this job.

Another thing, it’s a job that requires a lot of travel. In some companies, you may travel up to four times a week. So, you have to have the ability to do that. You have to be able to travel in France and even abroad. Travel abroad is rare; it will be for big meetings with all the investigators from all the countries, where you will have to travel , and then discuss with all the members of the team. So, you’re going to have to go over all of this, a little bit before you can make your decision.

Les personnes qui ont lu cet article ont lu aussi  {:fr}Partie 1: devenir Attaché en Recherche Clinique Freelance{:}{:en}How to become a freelance CRA? (Part 1){:}

I had also forgotten one point, or even two points:

The organization. You have to be very organized because you’re going to have several Centres to manage, several tasks to manage, the appointments. You’re going to have to organize your time, and if you’re not organized, you’re going to be in trouble.

The same goes for rigour. Thoroughness is very important because you’re going to do quality control. So you’re going to check data and you have to be rigorous because your rigour will have an impact on the study, and even on your work. In auditing, people realize if  you have not been rigorous, it will show. So you have to be rigorous and that it doesn’t have an negative impact on you and on the study. That’s what I’m saying.

So, with all these elements, you have to think about it.

You should know that provide with advising for for CRAs  and for people who want to become a CRA. So, if you need or you need coaching to help you in your research, to evolve, you can contact me via the website and make an appointment with me. You can contact me and via and make an appointment. These are appointments from 30 minute to one hour where we can talk, and you can ask personal questions and I am here to help you. Please, know that I am a certified coach.

So have a good day. Also, please remember, to grant me with a like at the bottom of the video if you liked it.

Les personnes qui ont lu cet article ont lu aussi  {:fr}Partie 3 : devenir Attaché en Recherche Clinique en freelance{:}{:en}How to become a freelance CRA ? (Part 3){:}

See you soon! Bye. Bye.

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If you have questions about being a clinical research associate or a career in clinical research, you can put them in the comments below. We will respond to you as soon as possible.

If you want to be coached, if you want a personalized answer to your questions or if you want to be in contact with other clinical research professionals, you can go to{:}

Si tu as aimé cet article, je te remercie de « liker » ou de partager avec tes collègues et amis Attaché de Recherche Clinique :)


  • Andoniaina dit :

    bonjour, je suis nouvelle sur le métier du data manager
    J’aimerais vous demander de l’aide à propos du passage d’annotation du CRF classique au CRF CDISC.
    Comment gérer les conflits d’annotations? Qu’est ce qu’on fait si un élément du CRF ne correspond pas aux variable CDISC ??
    Est ce les formats classiques et les formats CDISC sont les mêmes?
    Quel chemin doit t-on procéder pour avoir des tables CDISC si le le logiciel utilisé délivre une table horizontale??
    Est qu’on peut traiter un par un les standard CDISC?? (exemple: on va commencer juste par SDTM) et pour ce cas, quelles sont les contraintes savoir??
    merci beaucoup

    • Vanessa Montanari dit :


      Malheureusement le data management n’est pas notre corps de métier, je ne peux pas t’aider. Vanessa

  • Laura C dit :

    Je suis actuellement ARC hospitalier depuis 2 ans et j’aimerai à la fin de ce contrat commencer une activité de monitoring. Toutefois, en regardant un peu les annonces je vois que les CRO ou toutes boites pharma demandent déjà une expérience en monitoring. Comment faire pour passer de l’un à l’autre ?
    Merci de votre retour.

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