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Challenge # 16: Essential document: What should your investigator’s CV contain?

This year will be a year of meeting, sharing, knowledge and development. Are you ready with us It will start with our 2020 challenge, one video per day for 30 days on monitoring.
For 30 days, we will give you high added value content for quality monitoring!

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Good morning, everyone. This is Vanessa Montanari from the clinical research blog for Pharmaspecific. Today we’re going to talk about a new topic. What do you need to find an CV in an investigator? What do you need to put in the investigator’s CV? What should you ask the investigator to put in the investigator’s CV? Because sometimes CVs are a bit succinct and are not enough to be submitted to an ethics committee. So, you have to ask them to improve the quality of the content of their CVs and so I’m going to explain to you what you should ask them to put in the CV.

Text Transcription  :

So, first of all, what’s important is that there be the name, the first name of the investigator, the current and previous titles, the hospital where the investigator is currently working and the hospital address and telephone contact information. The CV should also include the RPPS number. This is the number of all health professionals in France. This number will be verified by the ethics committee to ensure that the investigator is authorized to practice. In the diploma section, you are going to ask him/her to put all his/her diplomas, specifying the university where he/she graduated and the year in which he/she graduated. You are also going to ask him to put all the trainings that have been done by this doctor, trainings that have an interest for the study and in particular the information on the good clinical practices.

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Normally, training on good clinical practice should be at least two years old. Therefore, if this has not been done, he will have to be offered training in good clinical practice either at the time of implementation, or training via an e-learning system. Concerning the professional experience, the investigator will put the different positions he has had in the private or public sector. Therefore, he will specify his information with places and dates. Finally, he will have to put his experience in clinical research.

So, if he was an investigator or co-investigator, or a clinical studies technician, or a clinical research physician, this information must be specified. For what type of phase, in what type of pathology. So that’s what I wanted to tell you about the investigator’s CV. This CV will have to be dated and signed. In general, we ask that this CV be dated within 2 months.

If you liked the program, thank you master I like at the bottom of the video. The Clinical Research Blog is a blog where you can have a lot of information in clinical research. Do not hesitate to go there. The address is here and if you want to know more about Pharmaspecific, our CRO specialized in clinical research, you can learn more by going to this address. I also wanted to tell you that Pharmaspecific has written a guide to help you better understand clinical trials as a CRO or as a project manager. So I encourage you to download this guide. It’s at the bottom of the video. It’s at the bottom of the video. That’s it. Thank you for following us, and I’ll see you soon.

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