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Hello! This is Vanessa Montanari from the clinical research blog. So, I got a message saying I don’t know where to find companies to apply for clinical research?

So, I’m gonna give you a few pointers. There are several places where you can find names of companies to apply. In particular, on the LEEM (professional organisation of drug companies operating in France) website where you will find the drug companies.  So, the LEEM is I think.

You can also find companies involved in the scheme on the SNITEM website. There, you will have medical device companies and then also you can find all the clinical research units in hospitals. I think it’s got to be at the PHP. You’d have to check but you type clinical research unit on the internet Paris and there’s several clinical research units that regularly seek clinical research associates or clinical study technicians. So you can apply to those companies, or, rather, these hospitals.

Then you also have the AFCRO, the French Association of CROs, where there are a large number of CROs who are members and where you can apply on their website.  With these elements, you will be able to apply. You should know that on the clinic’s blog, a few years ago, we wrote an article with lists of CROs to which you can apply. You can also try to search for this article in the article section.

I also wanted to tell you that I am currently a certified coach and that I give advice for people who want to become a CRO or for CROs. So if you need personalized advice, you need coaching to help you in your research or to evolve, you can contact me via and make an appointment with me. These are appointments that last 30 minutes to an hour where we will be able to review your difficulties, make an action plan, and even help you reach your goals. So, you can contact me via this website. If not, please put I like at the bottom of the video if you liked this program.

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If you want to be coached, if you want a personalized answer to your questions or if you want to be in contact with other clinical research professionals, you can go to (private companies and employment site) (private companies and employment site) (private companies) (Oncology Co-operator Group Employment Site) (Lots of CRO announcements including) (public employment site){:}

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