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Hello everyone, this is Manon DURAND, health lawyer at Pharmaspecific. We’re meeting again to talk about the General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR), which is the reference text in terms of personal data protection, and which came into force in the European Union on May 25, 2018.

Today we’re interested in certification. We want to know if there is a certification in terms of GDPR. First of all, certification is provided for by the GDPR in its articles 42 and 43. It will allow a data controller to request that a third-party certification body attests the conformity of its processes, products, services or skills to the characteristics that will be defined in a given reference system. The certifying body must be independent and impartial, and for this, there are two ways: either the body has been approved by the CNIL, or it has been accredited by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC).

The certification will allow an organization to prove its compliance with the GDPR and thus, to be a guarantee of confidence for its customers. The most well-known certification in terms of personal data protection is the certification of the competences of the DPO, i.e. the data protection officer, and the fact of passing this certification will allow the company to prove that its DPO, the person who deals with all aspects related to the GDPR, carries out his missions in accordance with the reference frameworks provided by the CNIL. So, once again, it will be a guarantee of confidence for your customers.

In conclusion, it is possible to obtain a GDPR certification. There are different ones on different subjects but the main one is the one of the DPO’s skills. If you wish to have recourse to a certification, you can go to the COFRAC website (French Committee for Accreditation) since it lists all the certifying bodies.

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