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Hello! This is Vanessa Montanari from the clinical research blog.

Today we’re going to be talking about how to get a job in a CRO or a pharmaceutical laboratory.

So, CRO or pharmaceutical laboratory is two different things. Finding a job in a CRO will probably be easier than finding a job in a pharmaceutical laboratory. I’ll tell you why. In CRO, for starters, there are a lot more jobs. There are a lot more jobs than in the lab, because labs today tend to outsource more and more research and development services. Except for services that would be very central to them. But otherwise, they tend to outsource. So, you’re going to find more positions in CROs than in pharmaceutical laboratories on the one hand.

The second thing is finding a CRO position. In fact, what he’s interested in is that you have CRA training and that you have certain prerequisites such as a good level of English, scientific training and also an internship. An internship, in particular on the job of clinical research associate with monitoring so that he can quickly put you in the field. Laboratory positions are more likely to be found when you have experience, or you can be seconded to a laboratory via a CRO.

During this secondment, you will be on the laboratory premises, you will work as a laboratory employee, but you will not be a laboratory employee, you will be an employee of a CRO. In that case; there are positions that will emerge within that laboratory where you can apply and eventually there will be some arrangements that can be made between the laboratory and the CRO so that you can eventually work in the CRO.

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That’s one of the methods that you’re going to find on a regular basis to be able to join a lab. Of course, it is possible to join a live laboratory by applying, but that’s one way.

So, if you’re looking for CRO or pharmaceutical laboratory positions, you’ll have a better chance of finding a CRO position.

I also wanted to let you know that I am currently a certified coach and that I give advice for people who want to become a CRA. So, if you need personalized advice, you need coaching to help you in your research or to evolve, you can contact me via and make an appointment with me. These are appointments that last 30 minutes to 1 hour where we will be able to review your difficulties, make an action plan, or even to help you reach your goal, so you can contact me via this website. If not, thank you to put I like at the bottom of the video if you liked this program.

See you soon, bye.

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