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How do I find an CRA position through Social Networks?

You are CRA and you look for a job? You have scoured the Leem deals and you have found nothing? You have tried the tips offered by the clinical research blog here and there? But, have you tried looking a post on Twitter, LinkedIn or Viadeo?

Today, the number of users of social networks is very important: 300 million users for Linked In (including 7 million in France), 65 million people Viadeo (including 9 million in France) and 284 million active users for Twitter (including 6.8 million visitors in France). Recruiters in part: 56% of companies claim to use them to recruit. It is up to you to be present on social networks in order to have more chances of finding a position of CRA! Here are some tips.

Your presence on social networks:

If you did not yet, create your profile on these social networks. Which one to choose, you ask yourself. It is best to be present on all three networks. But if you have time constraints, it is better to create a profile and supply it properly than to have three and leave them abandoned. Linked in is more oriented internationally and Viadeo is more Franco-French. Recruitment on Twitter is rarer, but having a relevant and complete profile can be used to get you noticed.

Put a profile picture:

This is the first impression of your profile. Put a picture enables to establish a first link with recruiters; they will hold your image and this will enable them to recognize you later. A profile with photo is seen 7 times more often than a profile without a photo!

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Your picture must give a first overview of your seriousness and your professionalism. Check that your picture is not pixelated, pay attention to the background and if necessary, then reframe it during the publication so that it is centered on you.

If you do not have any photo that suits, it might be interesting to do a professional photo with a photographer. It is possible to find interesting discounts on Groupon.

Complete the title, description and your background:

Give a title to your profile. Indicate your CRA profession and / or skill that you wish to highlight. The title of your profile appears in searches, a relevant title will bring out your profile when a recruiter will look for a CRA.

The description can present you more in detail and express your personality. A good description will enable you to stand out from other CRAs present on social networks. Indicate a summary of your background and the position you seek.

Finally, as on a paper CV, indicate your education, your previous work experience, your skills, languages spoken, your interests … Do not neglect your internships and summer jobs if you have little experience.

Especially, use keywords like « clinical research », « CRA », « CSC », etc. on your page. On Viadeo, you have a « keyword » section in which you can specify them. On twitter, use hashtags, you know, these words preceded by a « # ». These words, if properly selected, will bring out your profile during researches of recruiters.

Complete your network and ask recommendations:

First, search people you know, former colleagues or promo classmates on Linked In and Viadeo. Add them to your network, this will allow you to build your first contacts.

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You can ask them for recommendations on your skills; this will make your profile reliable.

Give also to others, perhaps you will receive in return.

Follow laboratories, CROs, biotech companies that interest you:

Most companies have at least one page on social networks. Follow them, they can publish on these pages information that might interest you: job offers, information to put forward in interviews, possible news to like or share…

On Twitter, you can also follow people who post interesting links. To do this, perform a keyword search (the famous #) and follow those who post interesting news. You can reuse them on your own profile.

Content sharing:

The purpose of social networking is to share information. So do not hesitate! This information will show that you are informed about news from your field and position you as an expert! You can share content that one of your contacts has released (via the share button) or an interesting article you read, for example.

Join specialized groups and be active about it:

There are, on Linked In as on Viadeo, professional groups that come together around a subject (e.g. alumni of your school). Research groups that might interest you and join them. Sometimes, your registration must be validated by the group’s creator, it may take some time. After this step, you can share in content, answer questions from other members, share your experience as CRA, participate in discussions … You will find there again an opportunity to show the strength of your knowledge and your professionalism. Useful, if a recruiter passes by.

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Especially not remain passive. Continue to regularly supply your profile and answer the job search advertisements on these social networks. Thus, you can more easily get in touch with recruiters and possibly get interviews for a position of CRA. Prepare your meeting to get the job of your dreams. (A little help here)

Hopefully this will help you in your research, to your keyboard and good luck!

You have a group, page, profile or additional advice you want to share, leave it in the comments.

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